Below is the data present in Mongo DB
I want to upsert the "id" to "789" and "name" to "alex" where "name":"john" and "location":"Pune" and as per upsert funtionality, if the query condition is not present, then it needs to create a new entry.
I am using the below logic to do this using Bson filter, but i am getting the below exception
Bson filter=null;
Bson update=null;
UpdateOptions options = new UpdateOptions();
dbCollection.updateMany(filter, update,options);
I am expecting below change in my Mongo DB data :
But I'm getting below Exception :
Exception is java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid BSON field name portalID
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid BSON field name portalID
at org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter.writeName(
Can some one suggest me?
Try the following code:
Bson filter = null;
Bson update = null;
filter = and(eq("name", "john"), eq("location", "Pune"));
update = combine(set("id", "789"), set("name", "alex"));
UpdateOptions options = new UpdateOptions();
dbCollection.updateMany(filter, update, options);