Idea is simple. I have a object and I would like to hide some fields based on the some specific roles.
I have roles in the system "dog", "cat" etc.
class Food{
String name;
@HideInfoForTheRoles({"dog", "cat"})
String age;
So I think to create something like that:
public String hideForRole(T object, String role){
// return new json
Or maybe I can override some denationalization method to force Jackson to hide field based on my annotation?
Create annotation that supports on FIELD and METHOD
@Target({ElementType.FIELD, ElementType.METHOD})
public @interface HideFor{
String[] roles() default{};
and logic that supports annotation for both field and methods
public class AccessRestrictionFilter extends SimpleBeanPropertyFilter {
public void serializeAsField(Object pojo, JsonGenerator jgen, SerializerProvider provider, PropertyWriter writer)
throws Exception {
if(writer.getAnnotation(HideFor.class)!=null && isHidable( Arrays.asList(writer.getAnnotation(HideFor.class).roles()))){
logger.debug("Found restriction on the getter method of the field: " + pojo + " Restriction For" + Arrays.toString(writer.getAnnotation(HideFor.class).roles()) );
Field[] fields = jgen.getCurrentValue().getClass().getDeclaredFields();
Optional<Field> field =
.filter(f-> f.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(writer.getName())).findAny();
if(field.isPresent() && field.get().getAnnotation(HideFor.class)!=null){
if(isHidable( Arrays.asList(writer.getAnnotation(HideFor.class).roles()))){
System.out.println("Found restriction on the field " + field.get().getName() + " Restriction For " + Arrays.toString(writer.getAnnotation(HideFor.class).roles()));
writer.serializeAsField(pojo, jgen, provider);
private boolean isHidable(List<String> rolesToHide){ // imlement the logic // }
FilterProvider filterProvider = new SimpleFilterProvider().addFilter("AccessRestrictionFilter", new AccessRestrictionFilter());
new ObjectMapper().writer(filterProvider ).writeValueAsString(myObjToFilter);
I use Jersey/Spring and my configuration looks like this:
public class JacksonJsonProvider extends JacksonJaxbJsonProvider {
public JacksonJsonProvider(AccessRestrictionFilter filter) {
ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper()
.configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false)
.setFilterProvider(new SimpleFilterProvider().addFilter("AccessRestriction", filter));
And Filter:
@Scope(value = WebApplicationContext.SCOPE_SESSION, proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS)
public AccessRestrictionFilter accessRestrictionFilter(){
return new AccessRestrictionFilter();
Note: in the filter I use the Security Context, because of this scope of the filter is Session (Not to share the state but create new object for each user)
and that's my POJO:
public class MyClass {
@HideFor(roles = {"ROLE_USER", "ROLE_EDITOR"})
private int val;