It is async reset. D flipflop when i change reset from one to zero, it doesn't immediately raise the output from zero to one. but when i add in @always ( posedge clk or posedge reset or negedge reset ) it immediately change
module dff_async_reset (
data , // Data Input
clk , // Clock Input
reset , // Reset input
q // Q output
//-----------Input Ports---------------
input data, clk, reset ;
//-----------Output Ports---------------
output q;
//------------Internal Variables--------
reg q;
//-------------Code Starts Here---------
always @ ( posedge clk or posedge reset)
if (reset)
q =0;
q <= data;
endmodule //End Of Module dff_async_reset
It does exactly what you tell it to do: mimic a flip-flop with an asynchronous active-high reset. The following line from your code
always @ (posedge clk or posedge reset)
says: "execute this procedural block when clk
makes the transition 0 --> 1
or when reset
makes the transition 0 --> 1
." In other words, when reset
makes the transition 1 --> 0
, this always block will not be evaluated.
You value q
will only be updated on the positive edge of clk
, which is exactly what you want if you want to design a flip-flop.
When you add negedge reset
to your sensitivity list, it will indeed immediatelly change when you go out of your reset state (which is 1 --> 0
in your logic). This is, however, usually not desired. Rather, you should synchronize the deassertion of your reset to your clock signal. To quote from the aforementioned website:
The way most of the designs have been modelled needs asynchronous reset assertion and synchronous de-assertion. The requirement of most of the designs these days is:
- When reset is asserted, it propagates to all designs; brings them to reset state whether or not clock is toggling; i.e. assertion should be asynchronous
- When reset is deasserted, wait for a clock edge, and then, move the system to next state as per the FSM (Finite State Machine); i.e. deassertion should be synchronous