I get a table in PowerPivot (Excel) via Microsoft Query in the following structure: Value - Date - DOC - ID
So I get several daily entries for the same ID, like this:
200 - 01.02.2019 - 0011 - AAI
250 - 01.02.2019 - 0012 - AAI
20 - 01.02.2019 - 0013 - AAI
290 - 01.02.2019 - 0014 - AAI
280 - 02.02.2019 - 0015 - AAII
290 - 02.02.2019 - 0016 - AAII
In the end, I aggregate the values per day, so: Date - Sum
Now the goal is to assign all values assigned to a Saturday or Sunday to Friday. How is this possible? Using a measure?
I'm assuming your dates start in cells A1
Make a column using WEEKDAY
, IF
& OR
This will give you the information for each day, but assigning Saturday and Sunday to Friday instead. When you aggregate your information it will be together by the day number, with Monday being 1 and so on.