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why is this function not compiling in Erlang

I'm a newbie in Erlang so stay with me.

I've got this function in erlang that I'm trying to compile, through the file animal.erl.

help_moi(Animal) ->
    Talk = if Animal == cat -> "miaou";
              Animal == beef -> "meuuuh";
              Animal == dog -> "Wouf";
              Animal == tree -> "treee!";
              true -> "ezfezfezf,"
    end, %blablabla%
    {Animal ,"dit", ++ Talk ++ "!" }. %oh là là là%     

I'm then compiling it with erl


And these the errors , I'm having

1> c(animal).
animal.erl:1: syntax error before: '.'
animal.erl:9: syntax error before: '++'
animal.erl:9: no module definition

I tried to look on google but not much documentations on it.

Any ideas?


  • The module directive starts with a - character:


    And you have an extra comma between "dit" and ++ Talk.

    After fixing those two things, I get a warning, not an error:

    animal.erl:2: Warning: function help_moi/1 is unused

    You probably want to export the function, so you can call it from outside the module:
