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Automapping an array class

I have a destination object as



StudentId, AddressInfo, MarksInfo

The source object is

public class Details
   public Student[] Student;


The Student class contains

StudentId, AddressInfo, MarksInfo

I want to map Student[] and ArrayOfStudents[]

I tried the following, but didn't work



How should I be mapping this case?

It throws the following are unmapped error

StudentId, AddressInfo, MarksInfo


  • With Automapper you map one type to another. When you do that, mapping an array of the same types will happen automatically.

    In your case, you will create a map between ArrayOfStudents and Student. It'll be a trivial map since the types and the names between both mapped types are the same:

    public class MappingProfile : Profile
        public MappingProfile()
            this.CreateMap<Student, ArrayOfStudents>();
            this.CreateMap<ArrayOfStudents, Student>();

    Now, where ever you intend to do the actual mapping (e.g. a RESTful controller), you do something like:

    public class MyController
        private readonly IMapper mapper;
        public MyController(IMapper mapper)
            this.mapper = mapper;
        // Then in any of your methods:
        public IActionResult MyMethod()
            var objectsToMap = details.Student; // This is an array of Student type.
            var mappedObjects = this.mapper.Map(objectsToMap); // This will be an array of ArrayOfStudents.
            // do what you will with the mapped objects.

    Idea is, you register the mappings for types (including the types of the members in a type). Then mapping of collections of those types is automatically handled by Automapper.