I'm writing a javafx program in the program i need to put a progress indicator after login system it should wait for specific time until it load the needed objects from the server. I'm new in javafx i want a way to validate the setVisible(boolean) property from the controller, in initialize it should be invisible and there's no problem to set it to false in initialize method but in controller after initializing i think i should validate the changes. is there a method that i could use to validate this property change?
@FXML ProgressIndicator pi;
public void initialize(...){
@FXML public void buttonOnClick(){
Thread t1=new Thread(new Runnable(....)) // A thread to load data
pi.setVisible(true); //HERE IS MY PROBLEM
Thread t2;//a thread to increase progress
Why the concept of validate()
is usually invalid in JavaFX, plus solving threading issues
To explain some issues with your original question and why this answer may not seem to directly answer it:
(i.e. force the layout of the subcomponents) components in JavaFX, as JavaFX will do that for you automatically each pulse (study the linked doc to more fully understand this).setVisible
on the progress indicator within a thread that you have created is wrong).What to do instead
What I think you are trying to do is:
Sample App
A login Service handles the asynchronous login process. A progress indicator in the login pane indicates that a login is ongoing. Once login is complete, the login pane is replaced with the application pane for the logged in user.
The following line ensures that the progress indicator is only displayed while the login service is executing:
Full code:
import javafx.application.Application;
import javafx.beans.property.SimpleStringProperty;
import javafx.beans.property.StringProperty;
import javafx.concurrent.Service;
import javafx.concurrent.Task;
import javafx.geometry.Insets;
import javafx.scene.Scene;
import javafx.scene.control.*;
import javafx.scene.layout.*;
import javafx.stage.Stage;
import java.io.IOException;
public class LoginServiceApp extends Application {
private LoginService loginService = new LoginService();
public void start(Stage stage) throws IOException {
Pane loginPane = createLoginPane();
loginService.setOnSucceeded(event ->
stage.setScene(new Scene(new StackPane(loginPane)));
private Pane createLoginPane() {
GridPane credentialsGrid = new GridPane();
TextField usernameField = new TextField("frobozz");
PasswordField passwordField = new PasswordField();
credentialsGrid.addRow(0, new Label("Username"), usernameField);
credentialsGrid.addRow(1, new Label("Password"), passwordField);
Button loginButton = new Button("Login");
loginButton.setOnAction(event -> {
ProgressIndicator progressIndicator = new ProgressIndicator();
progressIndicator.setPrefSize(20, 20);
HBox loginControl = new HBox(10, loginButton, progressIndicator);
VBox loginPane = new VBox(10, credentialsGrid, loginControl);
loginPane.setPadding(new Insets(10));
return loginPane;
private Pane createAppPane(Stage stage) {
Button logoutButton = new Button("Logout");
logoutButton.setOnAction(event -> stage.getScene().setRoot(createLoginPane()));
HBox appPane = new HBox(logoutButton);
appPane.setPadding(new Insets(10));
return appPane;
public static void main(String[] args) {
private static class LoginService extends Service<Void> {
private StringProperty username = new SimpleStringProperty(this, "username");
public final void setUsername(String value) { username.set(value); }
public final String getUsername() { return username.get(); }
public final StringProperty usernameProperty() { return username; }
private StringProperty password = new SimpleStringProperty(this, "password");
public final void setPassword(String value) { password.set(value); }
public final String getPassword() { return password.get(); }
public final StringProperty passwordProperty() { return password; }
protected Task<Void> createTask() {
final String _username = getUsername();
final String _password = getPassword();
return new Task<Void>() {
protected Void call() throws Exception {
// Simulate a long call to a login service,
// using the username and password we saved when the task was created.
// If login fails, an exception can be raised to report it and the
// caller starting the service can monitor setOnException to handle it.
// Or the Task could return a result value instead of void and the caller
// could monitor the value property of the task in addition to the exception handler.
return null;