I want to check a condition before each HTTP request.
I have an access token and a refresh token.
Once the access token is expired, the refresh token end point is called to generate a new access token.(oauth2).
So after every HTTP request, I want check whether the access token is expired. That can be achieved, if I add a jmeter IF controller after each HTTP request. Is there a way to set the IF controller globally(without checking before each request).
I check the expiry time using JSR223 post processor and depending on the result, I execute the IF controller. I want to set this IF controller globally to avoid duplication.
JSR 223 Post processor
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.*;
import org.apache.jmeter.util.JMeterUtils;
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss");
long expiryTime = sdf.parse(vars.get("expiry_time")).getTime();
long currentTime = sdf.parse(vars.get("time")).getTime();
long timeleft = currentTime - expiryTime;
IF controller condition before each HTTP request
You can use Module Controller and put your If Controller and JSR223 inside Test fragment for reuse
Module Controller provides a mechanism for substituting test plan fragments into the current test plan at run-time.
A test plan fragment consists of a Controller and all the test elements (samplers etc.) contained in it. The fragment can be located in any Thread Group. If the fragment is located in a Thread Group, then its Controller can be disabled to prevent the fragment being run except by the Module Controller. Or you can store the fragments in a dummy Thread Group, and disable the entire Thread Group.