I've been trying to download large files approx 12GB of size, using Chilkat.Ftp2.
Everything seems to be ok, BUT.. download tends to fail at ~100%, in log I could see:
GetFile: DllDate: Jul 30 2019 ChilkatVersion: UnlockPrefix: NONE Architecture: Little Endian; 32-bit Language: .NET 4.7 / x86 VerboseLogging: 0 originalGreeting: 220 Titan FTP Server Ready. remotePath: /fo/bar/export_20190819.zip localPath: \test\export_20190819.zip ProgressMonitoring: enabled: yes heartbeatMs: 0 sendBufferSize: 65536 --ProgressMonitoring downloadToFile: localFilePath: \test\export_20190819.zip Replacing existing local file downloadToOutput2: modeZ: 0 binaryMode: 1 setupDataConnection: passive transfer mode setupPassiveDataSocket: sendCommand: sendingCommand: PASV --sendCommand readCommandResponse: WindowsError: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. WindowsErrorCode: 0x2746 maxToReceive: 65536 Failed to receive data on the TCP socket Failed to read FTP control channel reply. readFtpReply: Socket fatal error. --readCommandResponse --setupPassiveDataSocket Failed to setup passive data socket --setupDataConnection Failed to setup data connection for download. readRepliesAfterFailedDataConn: readCommandResponse: Failed to read FTP control channel reply. readFtpReply: Socket connection closed. --readCommandResponse --readRepliesAfterFailedDataConn --downloadToOutput2 downloadToOutput: Elapsed time: 18953 millisec --downloadToFile Failed. --GetFile --ChilkatLog
What I've tried so far is to set:
ftp.EnableEvents = true;
ftp.RestartNext = true;
ftp.Passive = false;
ftp.SoSndBuf = 131072;
ftp.SoRcvBuf = 131072;
Also calling ftp.Noop();
time to time, to keep connection "alive".
Am I missing something here?
EDIT: Some pseudo code of download and retry
string fileName = _ftp.GetFilename(i);
string remoteFilePath = sourcePath + fileName;
string destinationFilePath = destinationPath + fileName;
bool success = _ftp.GetFile(remoteFilePath, destinationFilePath);
if (success)
Log($"Downloading Finished {fileName} : {DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss")}");
success = _ftp.GetFile(remoteFilePath, destinationFilePath);
Setting the ftp.LargeFileMeasures = true should solve the problem.