I'm trying to set the individual pixels in a D3DSURFACE9 but they're going all over the place. I think I've done this before but can't seem to get it right this time.
if(D3D_OK == lpThis->sfRenderingCanvas->LockRect(&lrt,NULL,0))
UINT pitch = lrt.Pitch;
VOID *data;
data = lrt.pBits;
UINT Y = (UINT)xmsg.Y;
UINT X = (UINT)xmsg.X;
for(int z=0;xmsg.iNum;z++)
if( xmsg.iDataBlock[z]>0 )
((DWORD*)data)[X+Y*pitch+z] = 0xFFFFFF00;
((DWORD*)data)[X+Y*pitch+z] = 0xFF000000;
Y is between 0 and the height used when creating the surface
X is between 0 and the pitch of the surface
Can anybody tell what I'm doing wrong? Also, it seems to go about twice as far down as my window. (^If I try to draw over 1/4 the rows, it covers 1/2 of them.)
The pitch value that comes back in the D3DLOCKED_RECT is the number of bytes between the start of each row, not the number of DWORDs. You're indexing into the buffer using a DWORD pointer, so you are effectively using a pitch four times too large.
Try something like this...
DWORD * row = (DWORD *)((char *)lrt.pBits + pitch * Y);
for(int z=0;xmsg.iNum;z++)
if( xmsg.iDataBlock[z]>0 )
row[X+z] = 0xFFFFFF00;
row[X+z] = 0xFF000000;