I am building a Firefox addon using Rust. I am trying to insert HTML and do stuff on specific pages. Apparently, a content script is the thing I want to use. My content script is:
import("../crate/pkg").then(({ Addon }) => {
const addon = Addon.new();
}).catch(e => console.error("Error importing:", e));
The error I am getting is:
TypeError: "0125c9960050e7483877.module.wasm is not a valid URL."
I tried to add to manifest.json
"web_accessible_resources": [
I accessed it as moz-extension://<extension-UUID>/0125c9960050e7483877.module.wasm"
but then I got:
Error importing: Error: "Loading chunk 0 failed.
I also tried a background script, but that is loaded in extension context so it doesn't allow me to alter page content.
I'm not sure how import("../crate/pkg")
works at all for you, as dynamic module imports are not supported in content scripts in Firefox and "../crate/pkg" doesn't look like a path that can work. Perhaps you're doing some preprocessing?
Loading bare WASM (I took add.wasm from this sample) works fine if you have "web_accessible_resources": ["add.wasm"]
in your manifest.json:
WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming(fetch(browser.runtime.getURL("add.wasm")), {})
.then(results => {
console.log("wasm returned", results.instance.exports.add_one(41));
}).catch((err) => {
console.error("Unable to instantiateStreaming", err)
Getting a generated JS wrapper to work in content script is a different question, which depends on the tooling and the specific mode you run in.
If you are able to run WASM in a background script, you can communicate between the content script and the background script via sendMessage to get the job done.