I've built Excel-Dna Addin
in C#. I have couple of UDF functions that I need to run in some cases.
My cells contains the UDFs with different parameters, I am showing here the simplified version.
I am using Application.Evaluate
function for this.
[ExcelFunction(Name = "Test.TestMe", Description = "Some test", IsHidden = false)]
public static int TestMe(int i)
return i + 1;
If I call Application.Evaluate("=Test.TestMe(1)")
I get the result 2.
If I try following: Application.Evaluate("=Test.TestMe(1)+Test.TestMe(2)")
none of my UDF functions are not called.
The Evaluate function returns: -2146826259 = #Name?
I've tried following:
before function name "Test.TestMe(1)+Test.TestMe(2)"
is limited to 255 chars.I would like to avoid parsing the formula and calling my UDFs one by one.
Any ideas?
Charles Williams (https://fastexcel.wordpress.com/2011/11/02/evaluate-functions-and-formulas-fun-how-to-make-excels-evaluate-method-twice-as-fast/) points to a (now-missing) KB article when he describes this limitation:
If the string formula contains a reference to both a UDF and a name it will fail with an error 2029 if the name reference occurs AFTER the UDF reference:
- If
is a named range andxyz()
is a user defined VBA function then this statement returns error 2029 [i.e.#NAME?
- This statement returns the correct value:
- Microsoft KB article 823604 [which I couldn't find] identifies this problem but does not correctly diagnose the circumstances that cause it.
Since your UDF name is also a 'name' in Excel, it is presumably subject to the same quirk, giving you this #NAME?
So I think you're running into a long-standing Excel quirk, and you might want to report this to Microsoft with the File -> Feedback -> 'Send a Frown' button.