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In order to change your profile you have to connect your account to PAUSE

I just opened an account at and wanted to edit my profile. However, CPAN requires a PAUSE account.

In order to change your profile you have to connect your account to PAUSE.

When I click on the link, a pop-up says: Please enter your PAUSE ID:

The error appears on the Profile page.

What is a PAUSE ID? Googling it brings me to booking websites.


  • PAUSE stands for The [Perl programming] Authors Upload Server at

    Registering as a developer

    Registered developers have a unique username and a home directory in the authors/id/ tree of CPAN. The write access to that directory is password protected.

    If you have written a module, script, or documentation you would like to contribute to the archive, visit Registration (Non-SSL version) and fill in the form. You will be notified by email about your registration. Please allow three weeks for proceeding, which should be the maximum during vacation time. Normally we hope to register you within a week.