I have this error:
Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: ""
at Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: ""
at java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString(NumberFormatException.java:65)
at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Integer.java:592)
at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Integer.java:615)
at sunat.calculadora.btnCalcularActionPerformed(calculadora.java:234)
at sunat.calculadora.access$100(calculadora.java:14)
at sunat.calculadora$2.actionPerformed(calculadora.java:109)
My code:
private void btnCalcularActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
int sueldo,gratificaciones;
int renumeracion_bruta_anual;
int horas_extras,meses_pendientes;
int renumeracion_neta_anual;
double impuesto_anual_proyectado;
int asignacion_familiar;
horas_extras = Integer.parseInt(txthorasextras.getText());
if (renumeracion_neta_anual<1){
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (null, "Usted no paga impuesto");
if (renumeracion_neta_anual <= 21000 && renumeracion_neta_anual>=1) {
txtcalculo.setText(String.format("%.2f", impuesto_anual_proyectado));
} else if (renumeracion_neta_anual > 21000 && renumeracion_neta_anual<=84000) {
impuesto_anual_proyectado=renumeracion_neta_anual *0.14;
txtcalculo.setText(String.format("%.2f", impuesto_anual_proyectado));
} else if (renumeracion_neta_anual > 84000 && renumeracion_neta_anual<=147000) {
impuesto_anual_proyectado=renumeracion_neta_anual *0.17;
txtcalculo.setText(String.format("%.2f", impuesto_anual_proyectado));
} else if (renumeracion_neta_anual >147000 && renumeracion_neta_anual<=18900) {
impuesto_anual_proyectado=renumeracion_neta_anual *0.20;
txtcalculo.setText(String.format("%.2f", impuesto_anual_proyectado));
} else if (renumeracion_neta_anual >18900) {
impuesto_anual_proyectado=renumeracion_neta_anual *0.30;
txtcalculo.setText(String.format("%.2f", impuesto_anual_proyectado));
As you can see the field hours_extras is declared as an integer but at the moment leaving the field hours_extras empty it becomes String and does not perform the mathematical operation giving the error above. There is some way to let go without writing anything in the jtexfield since I must leave that field empty and calculate the final amount without it when it is not required. Thank you for your answers.
You can do something like the following if you have to handle empty strings as a special case, and would like gibberish inputs to still throw an Exception:
String extraHourString = txthorasextras.getText();
if(extraHourString.isEmpty()) { //alternatively, if(extraHourString.equals("")) {
... //handle the text being empty, or set a boolean flag so that you can handle it later
else { // we know the provided text is not empty now
//will still crash on gibberish inputs, but the empty string "" will never reach here
horas_extras = Integer.parseInt(extraHourString);
Alternatively, if you would like to completely ignore the empty string (leaving horas_extras
to a default value), you can do something like the following:
int horas_extras = DEFAULT_VALUE; //declaration sets the default (could be any integer)
if(!txthorasextras.getText().equals("")) { //or, if(!txthorasextras.getText().isEmpty()) {
horas_extras = Integer.parseInt(txthorasextras.getText());
This will ignore the assignment to horas_extras
if the input string is empty, which will leave it at the current value of horas_extras
). Note that gibberish inputs still throw an Exception as before.