I have this exception when trying to call an activity from an adapter
First class :
class Model_responsable (val adressePrincipale: String,
val emailPrincipal: String,
val telephonePrincipal: String,
val siteWebPrincipal: String,
val nom: String,
val fonction: String,
val commentaires: Array<Model_commentaire>)
Second class :
class Model_commentaire ( val contenu: String,
val importance: String)
My code in the adapter
override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: ViewHolder, position: Int) {
holder.nom?.text = responsables[position].nom
holder.fonction?.text = responsables[position].fonction
holder.telephone?.text = responsables[position].telephonePrincipal
holder.email?.text = responsables[position].emailPrincipal
holder.adresse?.text = responsables[position].adressePrincipale
if (10 >0 )
holder.commentaires?.visibility = View.VISIBLE
holder.commentaires?.visibility = View.GONE
// Mise en place de clicks
holder.commentaires?.setOnClickListener() {
var intent = Intent(it.context, Activity_commentaires::class.java)
startActivity(it.context, intent, null)
My empty activity should popup. instead, it shows up, disapears and I have this error
java.lang.RuntimeException: Parcelable encountered IOException writing serializable object (name = [Lcom.example.gaeo.Model_responsable;)
You're absolutly right, it works fine with the Serializable interface. thanks a lot