I have an svg image that rotates 360deg when I click on a checkbox. I use style.transform. But when I uncheck, it doesn't do it again.
Is there any way to make it rotate more than once without refreshing?
I have tried including the same function in "else"
<input type="checkbox" id="myCheck" onclick="myFunction()">
<label for="myCheck"><img src="logo.svg" id="svg1"></label>
function myFunction() {
var checkBox = document.getElementById("myCheck");
if (checkBox.checked == true){
document.getElementById("svg1").style.transform = "rotate(360deg)";
document.getElementById("svg1").style.transform = "rotate(360deg)";
Currently it just rotate once. It does not do it again when I click again.
hmmm. why your else has 360deg too ? If I'm right you should say
if(input.checked) document.getElementById("svg1").style.transform = "rotate(360deg)";
else document.getElementById("svg1").style.transform = "rotate(0)";