Hi: I am new to use CDAP(Cask™ Data Application Platform).
I have parsed the states.json file and successfully wrote the CDAP Table Dataset named "StateTableDataset1".
When I execute table-lookup state StateTableDataset1 in the customer tab, an exception occurs. The exception information is: io.cdap.directives.lookup.TableLookup@3031fd7b : Please check that a dataset 'StateTableDataset1' of type Table exists.
Screenshot of the StateTableDataset1 dataset:
Start time SQL query Status Actions
08-22-2019 05:21:35 PM SELECT * FROM default.dataset_statetabledataset1 LIMIT 500 FINISHED
name abbreviation
Alabama AL
Alaska AK
American Samoa AS
Arizona AZ
Arkansas AR
May I ask if I have omitted any steps, thank you
I ran into the same issue ;-) and got reply back from the Google group CDAP User community stating that this is an issue with CDAP 6.0 here is the bug with reason on why you see this issue. As a workaround you can create a custom UDD with tablelookup