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Pipeline Dependencies in Data Fusion

I have three pipelines in Data Fusion say A,B and C. I want to the Pipeline C to get triggered after execution of Pipeline A and B both Completes. Pipeline triggers are putting the dependency on one pipeline only. Can this be implemented in Data Fusion ?


  • You can do it using Google Cloud Composer [1]. In order to perform this action first of all you need to create a new Environment in Google Cloud Composer [2], once done, you need to install a new Python Package in your environment [3], and the package that you will need to install is [4] "apache-airflow-backport-providers-google".

    With this package installed you will be able to use these operations [5], the one you will need is [6] "Start a DataFusion pipeline", this way you will be able to start a new pipeline from Airflow.

    An example of the python code would be as follows:

    import airflow
    import datetime
    from airflow import DAG
    from airflow import models
    from airflow.operators.bash_operator import BashOperator
    from datetime import timedelta
    from import (
    default_args = {
       'start_date': airflow.utils.dates.days_ago(0),
       'retries': 1,
       'retry_delay': timedelta(minutes=5)
    with models.DAG(
        default_args=default_args) as dag:
        # the operations.
        A = CloudDataFusionStartPipelineOperator(
                location="us-west1", pipeline_name="A", 
                instance_name="instance_name", task_id="start_pipelineA",
        B = CloudDataFusionStartPipelineOperator(
                location="us-west1", pipeline_name="B", 
                instance_name="instance_name", task_id="start_pipelineB",
        C = CloudDataFusionStartPipelineOperator(
                location="us-west1", pipeline_name="C", 
                instance_name="instance_name", task_id="start_pipelineC",
        # First A then B and then C
        A >> B >> C

    You can set the time intervals by checking the Airflow documentation.

    Once you have this code saved as a .py file, save it to ther Google Cloud Storage DAG folder of your environment.

    When the DAG starts, it will execute task A and when it finishes it will execute task B and so on.





