I'm developing a drill down chart using Canvasjs and MVC5. I have a Controller called JsonController
that contains several Tasks that return Json. They're all quite similar, but accept more arguments as the layers increase. Layer 0 is the default layer.
public async Task<IActionResult> GetLayer0(string datePassedIn)
string orgCode = User.Identity.GetOrgCode();
DateTime? processDate;
DateTime defaultDate = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-1); //default yesterday
processDate = DateTime.ParseExact(datePassedIn, inputDateFormat, cultureProvider);
catch (FormatException ex)
_logger.LogError(ex, "Error formatting date {datePassedIn} did not match {inputDateFormat}. using default date {defaultDate}", null);
processDate = defaultDate;
List<DataPoint> dataPoints = new List<DataPoint>();
IEnumerable<EventTypeLayer1> results = await _context.EventTypeLayer1Results
.FromSql($"usp_dd_EventType_0 @p0, @p1", orgCode, processDate)
foreach (EventTypeLayer1 result in results)
dataPoints.Add(new DataPoint(result.Value, result.Title, result.Colour));
return Json(dataPoints);
In the javascript, the ajax calls are managed with an array
var ajaxOptions = [
url: "~/Views/Json/GetLayer0",
data: {
layer: 0,
processDate: encodeURIComponent(formatDateInput(param.processDate)),
orgCode: encodeURIComponent(param.orgCode)
callback : handleLayer0
url: "~/Views/Json/GetLayer1",
data: {
layer: 1,
processDate: encodeURIComponent(formatDateInput(param.processDate)),
orgCode: encodeURIComponent(param.orgCode),
eventType: encodeURIComponent(param.eventType)
callback : handleLayer1
url: "~/Views/Json/GetLayer2",
data: {
layer: 2,
processDate: encodeURIComponent(formatDateInput(param.processDate)),
orgCode: encodeURIComponent(param.orgCode),
eventType: encodeURIComponent(param.eventType),
driverId: encodeURIComponent(param.driverId)
callback : handleLayer2
function doAjax( layerIndex) {
type: "POST",
cache: false,
dataType: "json",
url: ajaxOptions[layerIndex].url,
data: ajaxOptions[layerIndex].data,
success: function (serverResponse) {
//once a successful response has been received,
//no HTTP error or timeout reached,
//run the callback for this request
complete : function () {
//note that the "success" callback will fire
//before the "complete" callback
console.log("Ajax call complete");
When the ajax fires, I'm getting Errors
https://localhost:44388/~/Views/Json/GetLayer0 error 404
https://localhost:44388/Json/GetLayer0 error 405
@Url.Action("GetLayer0", "JsonController") renders blank
I'm a bit confused. What should I do?
Edit: Here's the actual AJAX call
function doAjax( layerIndex) {
type: "POST",
cache: false,
dataType: "json",
url: ajaxOptions[layerIndex].url,
data: ajaxOptions[layerIndex].data,
success: function (serverResponse) {
//once a successful response has been received,
//no HTTP error or timeout reached,
//run the callback for this request
complete : function () {
//note that the "success" callback will fire
//before the "complete" callback
console.log("Ajax call complete");
You are callig view urls instead of controller functions It should be like
url: "/youcontrollername/GetLayer0",
data: {
layer: 0,
processDate: encodeURIComponent(formatDateInput(param.processDate)),
orgCode: encodeURIComponent(param.orgCode)
callback : handleLayer0