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Stuck on Concatenation array formula with multiple criteria

I have a formula which worked quite well to obtain information in order to link a reference contained in column B with information in T column of Sheet 2.

I have a formula which checks if 'Sheet2'!B:B=B2. However, now I want the formula to only return information where the corresponding line also has "yes" in Column A.

For example, if B2=1001, I only want to return CAT in the example below:

enter image description here

Is it possible to have two criteria like this?

I have tried various AND formulas alongside the main formula I have but this brings back errors:

=IF(ISBLANK(A4),"",ARRAYFORMULA(TEXTJOIN(" ⦿",TRUE,IF('Sheet2'!B:B=B2,'Sheet2'!T:T,""))))

I need to put somewhere in this formula to check if A2="Yes"


     IF((Sheet2!A:A="yes")*(Sheet2!B:B=B2), Sheet2!T:T, ))))
