I have a column of 8 buttons and would like only one button to be toggled(yellow) at a time and the rest of the buttons remain default(green). I am having a bear of a time getting the function to execute on click. Meaning no colors are changing.
I have been using this post How to select and change color of a button and revert to original when other button is clicked
as my reference and has helped me understand querySelectors and changing classes but for the life of me I cant see why my application isnt working.
fires right after the for loop is called but if put below the onClick
it does not fire.
for (button in buttons) {
buttons[button].onclick = function() {
var yellowButton = document.querySelectorAll(".yellow")[0];
if (this.className == "green") {
if (yellowButton) yellowButton.className = "green";
this.className = "yellow";
<button class="green">UPKEEP</button>
<button class="green">DRAW</button>
<button class="green">MAIN</button>
<button class="green">COMBAT</button>
<button class="green">MAIN</button>
<button class="green">END TURN</button>
<button class="green">CLEANUP</button>
width: 100%;
padding: 10px 20px;
margin: 3px;
background-color: green;
.yellow {
background-color: yellow;
I am expecting to have 1/8 of the buttons to be yellow. That being the clicked button.
Rather than toggling the yellow and green classes - you can simply add a 'highlight' class on click and remove it from the previously clicked button.
This highlight class has the yellow background styling, so that when you click a button it adds the highlight class and yellow background. Then clicking another button removes the highlight class from the first button and applies it to the clicked one.
var buttons = document.querySelectorAll("button");
for (button in buttons) {
buttons[button].onclick = function() {
width: 100%;
padding: 10px 20px;
margin: 3px;
background-color: green;
.highlight {
background-color: yellow;
<button class="green">UPKEEP</button>
<button class="green">DRAW</button>
<button class="green">MAIN</button>
<button class="green">COMBAT</button>
<button class="green">MAIN</button>
<button class="green">END TURN</button>
<button class="green">CLEANUP</button>