I have an idea for a game where people can type in some simple instructions for their character like player.goLeft() or player.attackInFront() and for that I have people type their code into a text box and then I parse it into eval(). This works well but it also allows people to change their own character object by typing things like player.health = Infinity; or something similar. I have a list of functions I want to allow people to use, but I am unsure how to restrict it to only use them.
I understand that the whole point of not letting people use eval is to avoid accidental cross-site scripting but I am unsure on how else to do this. If you have a suggestion please leave a comment about that.
I asked some people around on what to do and most suggested somehow changing scope(which is something I was not able to figure out) or to add some odd parameter to each function in my code that would be required to be a specific string to execute any function, but that seems hacky and since I am making the game in browser with p5js it would be easy to just inspect element and see what the password is.
basically every character has variable called "instruction" which is just a string of javascript. Then every frame of the game I execute it by doing eval(playerList[i].instruction);
tl;dr, how can I only allow specific function to be executed and not allow any others?
EDIT: I forgot to mention that I also am planning to provide player with information so that people can made code that would adapt to the situation. For example there will be parameter called vision that has vision.front and vision.left etc. These variables would just say if there is an enemy, wall, flower, etc around them in a grid. Some people suggested that I just replace some functions with key words but then it compromises the idea of using if statements and making it act differently.
EDIT 2: Sorry for lack of code in this post, but because of the way I am making it, half of the logic is written on server side and half of it works on client side. It will be a little large and to be completely honest I am not sure how readable my code is, still so far I am getting great help and I am very thankful for it. Thank you to everybody who is answering
Do NOT use eval() to execute arbitrary user input as code! There's no way to allow your code to run a function but prevent eval() from doing the same.
Instead, what you should do is make a map of commands the player can use, mapping them to functions. That way, you run the function based on the map lookup, but if it's not in the map, it can't be run. You can even allow arguments by splitting the string at spaces and spreading the array over the function parameters. Something like this:
const instructions = {
goLeft: player.goLeft.bind(player),
goRight: player.goRight.bind(player),
attackInFront: player.attackInFront.bind(player)
function processInstruction(instruction_string) {
const pieces = instruction_string.split(' ');
const command = pieces[0];
const args = pieces.slice(1);
if (instructions[command]) {
} else {
// Notify the user their command is not recognized.
With that, the player can enter things like goLeft 5 6
and it will call player.goLeft(5,6)
, but if they try to enter otherFunction 20 40
it will just say it's unrecognized, since otherFunction
isn't in the map.