I just upgraded apache storm version from 1.0.2
to 1.2.2
and since then my build is failing.
build.gradle -
dependencies {
compile 'org.apache.storm:storm-core:1.2.2', {
ext { fatJarExclude = true }
Error -
> Task :service:compileJava FAILED
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Could not resolve all files for configuration
> Could not find ring-cors:ring-cors:0.1.5.
Required by:
project :service > project :indexer > org.apache.storm:storm-core:1.2.2
I added ring-cors dependency too but it's still failing.
compile group: 'ring-cors', name: 'ring-cors', version: '0.1.5'
( https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/ring-cors/ring-cors [check the Repository section in the table]) requires Clojars
repository dependency in your build.gradle
repositories {
maven {url 'http://clojars.org/repo/'}
Hope this fixes your problem.