I am using "redux-offline" to make my application work offline. I want to dispatch an action in the effect part and get the back end result to the commit part.
meta: {
offline: {
effect: { type: "CHECK_NUMBER" },
commit: { type: "DISPLAY_NUMBER" },
rollback: { type: TYPES.CHECK_NUMBER, meta: { data } }
I want to fire the "CHECK_NUMBER" at the first place and get the result back to the commit part.
I found out that an action can't be fired in "meta.offline.effect". We can add an action to be fired in "meta.offline.commit" and "meta.offline.rollback". I used "redux-saga" to send calls to the API and get back the results and now my application is working in offline mode.
ex: export const addCustomer = (data) => {
return {
payload: { data },
meta: {
offline: {
effect: { },
commit: { type: "SUBMIT_CUSTOMER", meta: { data } },
rollback: { type: TYPES.SUBMIT_CUSTOMER, meta: { data } }
In saga :
function* submitCustomer(action) {
const data = { FirstName: action.meta.data };
const result = yield axios.post(`https://localhost:44300/api/Values/SubmitCustomer`, data)
.then(Response => Response).catch(error => {
throw error
function* customerSaga() {
yield takeEvery("SUBMIT_CUSTOMER", submitCustomer);
export default customerSaga;