I'm trying to build an Elasticsearch query using method name and just curios on what would be the method name if one of the property has multiple fields like following
mainField = @Field(type = Text, fielddata = true),
otherFields = {
@InnerField(suffix = "keyword", type = Keyword)
private String resourceType;
I needed "keyword" type (non-analyzed) so I can search it with entire string.
I have tried it as
List<Event> findByResourceType_KeywordIsIn(Collection<String> list);
and getting following error
No property keyword found for type String! Traversed path: Event.resourceType.
Is there anyway I can tell spring-data-elasticsearch that it is for the same property but an InnerField ?
P.S: I can certainly go with either @Query or just build that entire query using NativeSearchQueryBuilder but curios if I can achieve it with just a method name(Less code -> Less unit testing :) )
This won't work with the method names of Repository implementations. The logic in Spring Data that does the parsing uses the - possibly nested - properties of the java class whereas you need to have a query searching the resourceType.keyword Elasticsearch field.
So as you already wrote, you'll need a @Query
to do this.