I am adding dynamic rows by clicking "add Row" button in an Html form. In a row, I have 'Country' select and 'State' select. Whenever i select country, states are populated properly in first row and in second row onward if i change country all other row values are also changing. Please help. In the below code , "data.states" array, i am loading from database. but the problem is among multiple rows, states array is getting overridden for each country change.
<tr ng-repeat="model in models track by $index">
<select ng-options="country in countries" ng-model="country" ng-change='getState(country)'>
<select ng-options="state in data.states">
<td><button ng-click="addRow()">Add Row</button></td>
$scope.models = [{}];
$scope.addRow = function(){
The issue is that all your code is using the same ng-model reference for the country and also, you're not using different variables on the scope to store your states for each country in here: <select ng-options="state in data.states"></select>
Try the code bellow
<tr ng-repeat="model in models">
<select ng-options="country as country for country in countries" ng-model="model.country" ng-change='getState(model.country)'>
<select ng-options="state as state for state in getState(model.country)" ng-model="model.state">
<td><button ng-click="addRow()">Add Row</button></td>
$scope.models = [{}];
$scope.countries = ['Brazil', 'Canada', 'US'];
$scope.states = {
Brazil: ['Rio de Janeiro', 'Acre', 'Bahia'],
Canada: ['Ontario', 'Alberta', 'Manitoba'],
US: ['California', 'Florida', 'Texas'],
$scope.addRow = function(){
$scope.getState = function(country){
// implement your fetch state logic here
return $scope.states[country];
Here's a working plunker: https://plnkr.co/edit/coh5niQXon10l5RHYKza?p=info