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Do ruby and irb use different module search paths?

I have a Ruby script that is trying to require the restclient module. When I reduce it down to just this one line, it still fails:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

require 'restclient'

When I run it, I get the following error:

./test.rb:3:in `require': no such file to load -- restclient (LoadError)
    from ./test2.rb:3

When I run irb, the module loads fine:

$ irb
>> require "restclient"
=> true

As far as I can tell, it looks like both the script and irb have the same module paths:

$ ruby -e "puts $:"

$ irb
>> puts $:
=> nil

What would cause a module to load through irb, but not when run directly through Ruby?

One other confusing detail is that the restclient gem doesn't seem to be in my path to start with. How is irb finding it?

$ locate restclient | grep gems


  • Try

    require "rubygems"

    in the source code file, or starting the ruby program with ruby -rubygems filename.rb.