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Converting a set to a vector results in a vector of nested vectors in Clojure

i am fairly new to clojure and would like to know why when i convert a set to a vector, the resultant vector is a vector of nested vectors.

For instance, i have this collection of type Lazy Seq

(#{:fox :corn} #{:boat} #{})

This is as a result of running,

(map #(disj (set %) :goose :you) [[:fox :goose :corn :you] [:boat] []])

I want to loop through the collection and get the vector

[[:fox :corn] [:boat] []]

but the best code i was able to come up with was

(for [i non-vec] (conj (empty []) (vec i)))

where 'non-vec' is the above Lazy sequence.

However running the command produces the following

([[:fox :corn]] [[:boat]] [[]])

which is of type Lazy sequence too.

I would like to know

1: How to get the intended vector

2: Why the output is of type Lazy Sequence while i conjoined it to an empty vector


  • Question one: I think you're looking for

    (mapv vec '(#{:fox :corn} #{:boat} #{})) ;; [[:fox :corn] [:boat] []]

    Question two: I think that's because for yields a lazy sequence