E.g. I have ready-to-use Perl Selenium driver. https://metacpan.org/release/Selenium-Remote-Driver
How to make it compatible with Selenoid and use Selenoid-UI ?
As far as I understand, Selenoid is based on Selenium 2.x version. But Selenium and Selenoid APIs are not compatible out-the-box. E.g. http://localhost:4444/status output is very different.
And when I try to run script for Selenium when Selenoid is running instead I got Could not create new session: Unable to find a matching set of capabilities
Selenoid is 100% compatible with Selenium protocol. All Selenium stuff is under /wd/hub
E.g. status API is /wd/hub/status
. Just use http://localhost:4444/wd/hub
as Selenium URL for your tests and it should work.
Don't be confused that API returns less data under Selenoid.
E.g. according to w3c spec for status API only two fields: message
and ready
are required
Thanks to @vania-pooh for replies in appropriate github issue