Subscriptions with Nexus are undocumented but I searched Github and tried every example in the book. It's just not working for me.
I have cloned Prisma2 GraphQL boilerplate project & my files are as follows:
datasource db {
provider = "sqlite"
url = "file:dev.db"
default = true
generator photon {
provider = "photonjs"
generator nexus_prisma {
provider = "nexus-prisma"
model Pokemon {
id String @default(cuid()) @id @unique
number Int @unique
name String
attacks PokemonAttack?
model PokemonAttack {
id Int @id
special Attack[]
model Attack {
id Int @id
name String
damage String
const { GraphQLServer } = require('graphql-yoga')
const { join } = require('path')
const { makeSchema, objectType, idArg, stringArg, subscriptionField } = require('@prisma/nexus')
const Photon = require('@generated/photon')
const { nexusPrismaPlugin } = require('@generated/nexus-prisma')
const photon = new Photon()
const nexusPrisma = nexusPrismaPlugin({
photon: ctx => ctx.photon,
const Attack = objectType({
name: "Attack",
definition(t) {
const PokemonAttack = objectType({
name: "PokemonAttack",
definition(t) {
const Pokemon = objectType({
name: "Pokemon",
definition(t) {
const Query = objectType({
name: 'Query',
definition(t) {
alias: 'pokemons'
t.list.field('pokemon', {
type: 'Pokemon',
args: {
name: stringArg(),
resolve: (parent, { name }, ctx) => {
return ctx.photon.pokemon.findMany({
where: {
const Mutation = objectType({
name: 'Mutation',
definition(t) {
t.crud.createOnePokemon({ alias: 'addPokemon' })
const Subscription = subscriptionField('newPokemon', {
type: 'Pokemon',
subscribe: (parent, args, ctx) => {
return ctx.photon.$subscribe.pokemon()
resolve: payload => payload
const schema = makeSchema({
types: [Query, Mutation, Subscription, Pokemon, Attack, PokemonAttack, nexusPrisma],
outputs: {
schema: join(__dirname, '/schema.graphql')
typegenAutoConfig: {
sources: [
source: '@generated/photon',
alias: 'photon',
const server = new GraphQLServer({
context: request => {
return {
server.start(() => console.log(`🚀 Server ready at http://localhost:4000`))
The related part is the Subscription
which I don't know why it's not working or how it's supposed to work.
I searched Github for this query which results in all projects using Subscriptions
I also found out this commit in this project to be relevant to my answer. Posting the related code here for brevity:
import { subscriptionField } from 'nexus';
import { idArg } from 'nexus/dist/core';
import { Context } from './types';
export const PollResultSubscription = subscriptionField('pollResult', {
type: 'AnswerSubscriptionPayload',
args: {
pollId: idArg(),
subscribe(_: any, { pollId }: { pollId: string }, context: Context) {
// Subscribe to changes on answers in the given poll
return context.prisma.$subscribe.answer({
node: { poll: { id: pollId } },
resolve(payload: any) {
return payload;
Which is similar to what I do. But they do have AnswerSubscriptionPayload
& I don't get any generated type that contains Subscription
in it.
How do I solve this? I think I am doing everything right but it's still not working. Every example on GitHub is similar to above & even I am doing the same thing.
Any suggestions?
Edit: Subscriptions aren't implemented yet :(
Subscriptions aren't implemented yet.
I've opened up an issue to track it.
I'll edit this answer as soon as it's implemented in Prisma 2.