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How to get number of instagram posts in specific location and with specific tag

I looked at the Instagram API (maybe not efficiently, who knows?) but I didn't find a way to use a kind of REST API allowing the search of the number of posts in a specific location and with a specific hashtag. I don't care about the pictures themself, my goal is, with a kind of filter like: 'specific location : FRANCE' & 'hashtag : Beach', to get a list of public posts (here, all the posts in France where the hashtag Beach has been used) with : - accurated location (city or lat/lon) - tags - timestamp

In the Instagram API the technologies allowed are Ruby, Python and PHP but I juste want a way to use it though a request in JS/TS and put a clustering of the result on a map ! Not sure if it's possible but in the app it is (with hashtags only) so if you've got a clue, please, give it to me ! =)

Thanks a lot !


  • Instagram has deprecated their old REST API source and replaced it with a Facebook-like Graph API. In that Graph API, you can search for hashtags but you are limited to 30 unique hashtags in a rolling 7 day period. And even with the hashtag search, you are unable to get location data about the results. You might have luck looking at the results and searching for specific text strings, but there is no longer anything like what you are looking for in the Instagram API, largely due to privacy concerns.