I'm trying to export a sas dataset which has numeric column names (eg, 010,020,030) like index. When I print this dataset the results tab displays them in same format. When I export the file using ODS/proc export, excel automatically changes the column names to 10,20,30 etc,. Is there a way to maintain the column headers as text.
I've tried ODS HTML and proc export. I also tried exporting the dataset as xml and tried opening it in excel. But Excel automatically changes it to a number.
data check;
options missing=0;
ODS HTML FILE="&output_loc./check.xls";
Title "check col names";
proc print data=check noobs style={textalign=left};run;
options missing=.;
I expect the column names on the excel sheet to be 010,020,030. Can somebody help me on this?
Use the ODS style option pretext=
to prepend a hard-space 'A0'x
to the header cell values. The hard-space will prevent Excel from interpreting numeric string values as general numeric.
You can also (per @Tom) use ODS style option tagattr='type:text'
. See Insights from a SAS Technical Support Guy: A Deep Dive into the SAS® ODS Excel Destination Chevell Parker, SAS Institute Inc. for more tagattr info.
options validvarname=any;
data have;
ods _all_ close;
ods excel file='c:\temp\number-name-games.xlsx';
proc print data=have
ods excel close;