I am trying to concatenate 6 cells with a delimiter of ", " in between each cell, but while ignoring blank cells. I used this question to help me: How to Concatenate multiple columns if not empty.
I ran into an issue where the delimiter showed up at the end of the concatenated text. So I used LEFT and LEN to get rid of the extra character. Is there a way to fix this in VBA without using LEFT and LEN in a formula?
VBA Code:
Function Concat(ConcatArea As Range) As String
For Each x In ConcatArea: xx = IIf(x = "", xx & "", xx & x & ", "): Next
Concat = Left(xx, Len(xx) - 1)
End Function
I was able to use a different UDF with the help of @Andreas and Alun Rowe's resource. The UDF seems to emulate the TEXTJOIN function (which is only available in Office 365/2019):
Function IMPLODE(Rng As Range, Sep As String)
Dim TEMP As String
For Each Cell In Rng
If Cell.Value = "" Then
TEMP = TEMP & Cell.Value & Sep
End If
Next Cell
TEMP = Left(TEMP, Len(TEMP) - Len(Sep))
End Function
You can use the PHP equivalent implode function as a UDF.
All credits to the original author here.
Function IMPLODE(Rng As Range, Sep As String)
Dim TEMP As String
For Each Cell In Rng
If Cell.Value = "" Then
TEMP = TEMP & Cell.Value & Sep
End If
Next Cell
TEMP = Left(TEMP, Len(TEMP) - Len(Sep))
End Function