I have been away from Java stuff for quite sometime, need some help about basic stuff.
I have the following project structure :
There are no manifest files etc, its just a raw folder structure.
I wanted to know command to compile these java classes from root folder Data Structures - Java
and command to execute compiled classes.
I did try
javac -d build com.codesuman.datastructures.Main
This worked first time but failed in next attempt.
Thanks in advance.
I don't see how that could work, even a single time :
javac -d build com.codesuman.datastructures.Main
In javac
, the last argument is "source files". It has to specify location of java source to compile in terms of filesystem location : that is file or directory.
But that com.codesuman.datastructures
refers to a java package. Something like that is expected : com/codesuman/datastructures/Main.java
So, to compile that class in the build
directory, do that :
javac -d build com/codesuman/datastructures/Main.java
But if Main.java
relies on other classes, which looks possible according to your snapshot, you also need to compile these classes.
So a more idiomatic approach in this case is :
javac -d build com/codesuman/datastructures/*.java
But beware the subfolders are not compiled.