I am creating a custom list component with a search in my angular project. This component will take itemList as input and list the items based on the same. I would like to plug in a search bar to this component so that the user can search the items from the list.
I have created a pipe as mentioned here by Moshe Quantz for search. this is not working with the component i have created. please find the stackblitz code snippet here.
The search pipe takes 3 params.
public transform(value, keys: string, term: string)
so the the problem is your object fields differ from the on used in other example. Simply update those and it will work fine.
<input placeholder="search text goes here" [(ngModel)]="query">
<div *ngFor="let item of listItem | search:'title,date,status':query">
<app-list-card [item]="item"></app-list-card>
Working example on stackbliz.com
Please do note that using Pipe in such a way is very poor practice and may cause performance issue as the number of items in list increases.