When I execute this piece of code, it doesn't work. It is returning:
TypeError: document.querySelector(...) is null.
But, when I use the string arguments directly from the inside the function, it works.
I have tried and failed to pass arguments to queryselector in function parameters.
window.onload = changeText('lap0015', 'General Physics I')
function changeText(subject) {
document.querySelector(`#${subject} > .name`).innerHTML = `${name}`
<div id="lap0015" class="subject">
<p class="code"></p>
<p class="name"></p>
<p class="theory"></p>
<p class="practice"></p>
<p class="totalHourLoad"></p>
// **After** some tries, I changed my script to jQuery:
const name = 'Física Geral I'
const code = 'lap0015'
function getText() {
$(`#${code} > p.code`).text(`${code}`)
$(`#${code} > p.name`).text(`${name}`)
How do I programmatically pass arguments to getText, when there's no parenthesis in .ready(getText 'here')
The actual result of this is the error given above. Expected result should be as this:
Try this:
$(document).ready(() => getText('lap0015', 'General Physics I'));
Or (If you need to support IE):
$(document).ready(function() { getText('lap0015', 'General Physics I'); });