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fails to link if a dependency has another dependency that needs to link with a static library

I have a library (qui) that depends on the another library (termbox-d). And termbox-d links with a static library libtermbox.a.

Note: the termbox-d I linked to has some bugs which I've fixed in my fork but pull request has yet to be merged.

And this is where things gets messed up:
If I compile qui as a library, it will compile. Indicating that termbox-d linked with libtermbox.a.

If I compile qui with dub build --comfig=demo, it will build it as a executable with a main that uses qui library which uses termbox-d. This build and runs fine. Indicating that it still linked fine.

But if I create another package, that depends on qui, and build it, it fails to link with libtermbox.a. I get errors like:
source/termbox/package.d:210: undefined reference totb_peek_event' So now it failed to link withlibtermbox.a`

Why does this happen, and how I make it work?


  • Thanks to alphaglosined on IRC channel #d on, I figured out the issue:
    Instead of adding
    "sourceFiles" : ["libtermbox.a"]
    to qui's dub.json, I had to add
    "lflags" : ["$PACKAGE_DIR/libtermbox.a"].
    And now it works.