I am working on an excel sample data (Sheet 1) that is related to flight bookings. The columns I am interested in are the booking and check-in date. I have created on a separate sheet (Sheet 2) a matrix with dates grouped by month and year (mmm-yy). y-axis corresponds to the booking date whereas x-axis corresponds to the check-in date.
Using this matrix I tried to count the number of bookings that each month generated for the following ones. The problem I have with COUNTIFS is that I can't integrate into the code the conversion of Sheet 1 dates from dd-mm-yy to mmm-yy in order to count the bookings in the matrix
Any ideas?
Do you believe it's better to use Python in order to generate this piece of information? The next step would be to break down the aforementioned matrix in weeks.
Thank you in advance
Best regards, A
You can get the result through the following formula in C3
on Sheet2:
Drag right and down.