How can I get the bounding boxes of multiple overlapping rectangles? There might be multiple bounding boxes if there are rectangles that don't overlap.
I have an array containing n objects representing the rectangles. Each object is representing a rectangle the following way: {left: 178, top: 67, width: 20, height: 14} They can be represented other ways as well like leftX, topY, rightX, bottomY; it can be converted easily.
I'm not looking for non-max surpression algorithm. Is there a specific algorithm in literature that can achieve this? I'll try to convert it after in JavaScript.
Edit: AuxTaco solution works as long as the rectangles are overlapping one after the other; if you draw the rectangles in the order specified like in the picture below you get 3 bounding areas.
Edit2: Maybe an interesting case would be the following:
Rectangle 1 and 2 overlap and their bounding box overlaps rectangle 3; however I'm not interested in this particular case and 3 could be treated as a separate rectangle.
So I have laid out a approach, which should work for you. The summary of approach is below
Now to the code
function doRectsCollide(a, b) {
return !(
(( + a.height) < ( ||
( > ( + b.height)) ||
((a.left + a.width) < b.left) ||
(a.left > (b.left + b.width))
var collisions = [];
var rectangles = [
{left: 74, top: 66.89999389648438, width: 80.5, height: 71},
{left: 111.5, top: 95.89999389648438, width: 125, height: 84},
{left: 177, top: 120.89999389648438, width: 168.5, height: 90},
{left: 93, top: 258.8999938964844, width: 81.5, height: 81},
{left: 265.5, top: 320.8999938964844, width: 92, height: 83},
{left: 393, top: 210.89999389648438, width: 88.5, height: 95}
for (rectangle of rectangles) {
var collisions_indexes = [];
index = 0;
for (currentColission of collisions) {
for (rect of currentColission) {
if (doRectsCollide(rect, rectangle) === true) {
if (collisions_indexes.length == 0) {
// this rectangle collides with none and should be appened to collisions array
} else if (collisions_indexes.length >= 1) {
// there is just one collision, we can merge the same
// now we have got multiple collisions, so we need to merge all the collisions with the first one
// and remove the colission ones
for (var i = 1; i < collisions_indexes.length; i++) {
// we use - (i - 1) because we will remove the collision once we merge it
// so after each merge the collision index actually shift by -1
var new_index = collisions_indexes[i] - (i - 1);
// extend the first colliding array with the new collision match
// now we remove the element from our collision since it is merged with some other
collisions.splice(new_index, 1);
console.log(JSON.stringify(collisions, null, 2));
//now we have a array of collision which will have all colliding ones
for (collision of collisions) {
// compute bounding rectangle from rectangles array in collision
Now the output of the same is