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ExpressJS - How to jump to the next middleware which has initial url defined

Example code:

app.use('/list-product', (req, res, next) => {
  // Do stuff

app.use('/add-product', (req, res, next) => {
  console.log("I'm here")

Somehow it doesn't log "I'm here'", which means next() call doesn't work.

But if I change '/add-product' to '/' or I remove it at all, it works. Why is that?

How can I jump to the next middleware which has initial url on it as the example above?


  • It sounds like you don't quite understand that when you put a path in front of the middleware, the URL must a least be a partial match for that path for that middleware to be called at all.

    So, when you do a request for /list-product, that will match your /list-product middleware which will then call next(). That will continue on the middleware chain looking for other middleware handlers that match the /list-product path. When it gets to your next middleware for /add-product, that doesn't match /list-product so it is skipped (not called).

    If you change app.use('/add-product', ...) to app.use('/', ...) or to app.use(...) with no path, then those last two are matches for /list-product so they will get called. The / middleware is a partial match (for all URLs) and middleware with no path will be called for all URLs. app.use() runs for partial matches. The more specific request handlers like app.get() and require a more complete match.