What is the difference between
MyClass ^myClass = gcnew MyClass();
MyClass ^myClass = %MyClass();
if any?
Both seem to work, but not sure what happens behind the scenes.
So, in both cases a newly created object's address is assigned to a pointer. For this reason, the two statements appear to work the same.
The Difference:
Using gcnew
allocates memory of a managed type (reference), that has garbage collection.
Using %MyClass()
is analogous to using &MyClass()
, which does not have garbage collection.
Memory for a managed type (reference or value type) is allocated by gcnew, and deallocated by using garbage collection.
Like standard C++, this object will not be garbage collected. Operator overloading works analogously to standard C++. Every * becomes a ^, every & becomes an %.
Meaning of '^':
The handle declarator (^, pronounced "hat"), modifies the type specifier to mean that the declared object should be automatically deleted when the system determines that the object is no longer accessible.
Relevant Links:
Meaning of '%'
, Search "Operator Overloading"
Meaning of gcnew
Meaning of '^'