1- First here is my codes:
export class ListPagesComponent {
public model = {
id: -1,
actif: 0,
link: '',
htmlContent: {
fr: '',
en: ''
title: {
fr: '',
en: ''
updatePage() {
this.model = {
id: -1,
actif: 0,
link: 'my-link',
htmlContent: {
fr: 'Salut tout le monde',
en: 'hello welcome'
title: {
fr: 'title1',
en: 'title2'
listpages.component.html - CKeditors in the same page:
<ckeditor name="content"
data=" "
<ckeditor name="content"
data=" "
2- explanation of the issue: when I click on a button who perform the execution of updatePage() , I expect to have as a result in the console : the correct new values of the updated htmlContents of frensh and english langages like :
actif: 0
en: "<p>hello welcome</p>"
fr: "<p>Salut tout le mond</p>" <==== THE Expected Result
id: -1
link: "my-link"
title: {fr: "title1", en: "title2"}
the problem is that the given result is:
actif: 0
en: "<p>hello welcome</p>"
fr: "<p>hello welcome</p>" <==== THE ISSUE IS HERE
id: -1
link: "my-link"
title: {fr: "title1", en: "title2"}
I hope my issue is clear.
I fixed my issue : to be honest, I'm not sure if it is a CKEditor5 Multi-instances cycle life bug or not , but to resolve the problem, I just created a new component for reuse wich contains one instance of CKEditor component, and i passed to it an Input/output string property to make differences between different langages content (FR, EN etc..), and I just used this component in the parent wich contains the modal with the editor.. so this is my code solution :
the new added HTMLEditorComponent :
export class HTMLEditorComponent implements OnInit {
/** Global Props **/
public editor1 = DecoupledEditor;
@Input() content: string;
@Output() contentChange: EventEmitter<string> = new EventEmitter();
langs = {
fr: 'fr',
en: 'en',
/** editor configuration **/
public editorConfig = {
placeholder: 'Ecrire votre contenu ici!',
constructor() {
ngOnInit() {
* Init Global Page Editor
* @param editor
public onReady(editor) {
* Init editor ui & toolbar
* @param editor
private initEditor(editor) {
* Update out changes
onChange() {
its view htmleditor.component.html:
<ckeditor name="content"
[editor]="editor1" data=" " (ready)="onReady($event)"
the parent component ListPagesComponent :
export class ListPagesComponent implements OnInit {
// other codes here ...
/** List of available extensible langages **/
langs = {
fr: 'fr',
en: 'en',
/** Page Editor props **/
page: Page = new Page();
selectedLanguage: string = this.langs.fr;
// other codes here ...
// other codes here ...
* Modifier Page
updatePage() {
// update request
// other codes here ..
// other codes here ..
and this is how I used my HtmlEditorComponent in the parent ListPagesComponent html view:
// for frensh language
<app-htmleditor [(content)]="page.htmlContent[langs.fr]"></app-htmleditor>
// for English language
<app-htmleditor [(content)]="page.htmlContent[langs.en]"></app-htmleditor>
I hope my solution is good for whose uses CKeditor5 :).