I am wring a PageFactory
framework for a website using maven+TestNG,
I have page wise PageObject
classes where all web elements and actions specific to page are present like LoginPageObject
, AccountSelectionPageObject
I have a class "Base" where the common elements like WebDriver, Logger are present.
I have a class "BasePage" where the common actions like click, scroll, select, refresh... are present
MyTestng.xml is having separate <class>
entry for both all individual pages.
It's just that I am initializing the browser object in @BeforeSuiit
and stored/placed it in the Base class which is being extended in my Test classes
Below is the flow/arch I came up for my project.
I have multiple @Test in each of my test classes. When my Test classes are executed individually, all @Test script executed, but when I execute them continuously, i.e. my testng file have separate entries for all my test classes, my execution fails. Error says unable to find element on page, I have wait statements, but still it's not working.
I have tried debugging code, but not able to find the reason as the flow stops on starting of second page with exception saying element not found
WebElement accountDropdown;
public void selectAccount(){
logger.info("Selecting Account");
Select dropdown = new Select(accountDropdown);
logger.info("Drop down is multiple::"+ dropdown.isMultiple());
Code should execute completely even when separated code page wise.
When I have all pages code in one test class, code executed.
But when I place them separately in page wise test class, element not found exception is thrown.
org.openqa.selenium.NoSuchElementException: no such element: Unable to locate element: {"method":"id","selector":"listAccounts"}
In POM using PageFactory framework, one should initialise PageFactory in Constructor of PageClasses. Please find below code snippet which might work in your case.
public class LoginPage extends TestBase {
public LoginPage() {
PageFactory.initElements(driver, this);//Here driver is initialised in TestBase class and inherited in LoginPage class
//your code
WebElement accountDropdown;
public void selectAccount(){
logger.info("Selecting Account");
Select dropdown = new Select(accountDropdown);
logger.info("Drop down is multiple::"+ dropdown.isMultiple());