Trying to print any vowels from a word on a new line in the order they appear. Then do the same for each constant after all the vowels have been printed.
I've tried using breaks and a switch case but the code wouldn't work.
function vowelsAndConsonants(s) {
var atom = s.length;
var i = 0;
while (i <= atom)
if (s[i] === 'a' || s[i] === 'e' || s[i] === 'i' || s[i] === 'o' || s[i] === 'u') {
console.log('\n' + s[i]);
else {
console.log('\n' + s);
I expect an output to be like:
Then the consonants in the order they appear:
So here is the final code that I used. Thank for the help Dash and summit. I combined both of their codes.
// This is the function with the parameter which will have the input.
function vowelsAndConsonants(s) {
// This lists, all the vowels. Since I know the input is all lowercase, there is no need for uppercase. A lowercase method could also be used.
const vowels = ['a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u'];
// The input is split up to avoid printing the entire string, and is stored in a variable.
var letters = s.split('');
// An array to hold the vowels is created.
var vowelsFound = [];
// An array to hold the consonants is created.
var consonantsFound = [];
// Loops through all the split up characters held in the letters variable.
for (var i in letters) {
// If statement tests by using include to see if any of vowels match the i looper.
if (vowels.includes(letters[i])) {
// If any vowels do match, then they get added to the end of the vowelsFound array,
// which then get pushed up, so that it can be printed in the order they appear.
// The same process is used for the consonants.
} else {
// Prints the vowels in their order, on a new line for each character.