I make a demo application using final-form
, but I am facing a issue , when I toggle my button (toggle button) image request fired again and again
Step to reproduce this
1 ) On/off the Toggle button.see network request (DISABLE CACHE SHOULD BE CHECKED ) .
const Abc = React.memo(() => {
return (
<Image id="titleLogo" src={src} />
const ShowImage = useCallback(() => {
return <Abc />;
}, []);
Take the styled-component calls out of 'AppWithIconToggle' function body. Give the title and src as props to Abc component and memo it, so it won't rerender when they are unchanged.
const Abc = React.memo(({ title, src }) => {
console.log("render", title, src);
return (
<Image id="titleLogo" src={src} />