I need to have a background with CSS as the image attached back I can't make it work with linear-gradient.
I was trying with the following but I am unable to create just 1 white stripe.
div {
background: #5cbcb0;
background: linear-gradient(120deg, #5cbcb0 10%, #ffffff 10%, #ffffff 27%, #5cbcb0 27%, #5cbcb0 50%, #5cbcb0 50%, #5cbcb0 74.81%, #ffffff 73.81%, #ffffff 76.19%, #5cbcb0 76.19%, #5cbcb0 100%);
background-size: 593.97px 593.97px;
<div style="height: 200px;"></div>
You just need to provide correct start
and stop
values for the colors. The occurrence of the multiple white stripes were due to the multiple #fff
values that were used after 73.81%
div {
background: linear-gradient(135deg, #5cbcb0 5%, #ffffff 5%, #ffffff 15%, #5cbcb0 15%);
/* Start #5cbcb0 from 0 and end at 5%, Start #fff at 5% and end at 15%, Start #5cbcb0 again at 15% and end at 100% */
background-size: 593.97px 593.97px;
background-repeat: no-repeat; /* To avoid multiple instances */
<div style="height: 200px;"></div>