So i have this exercise to solve: "Given a vector V of x 16 bit integers, check if the vector only contains even numbers. If it is the case, EAX will equal 1, otherwise 0. x is saved at the address n and has 16 bits. Here is the solution:
TEST WORD [V+ECX*2-2], 1
LOOPZ bcle
JNZ sinon
Now i am stuck at [V+ECX*2-2]... maybe I am wrong but I believe the ECX register at this point contains a number which we are checking whether its even or not... and if thats the case why would we look for that address in memory? I have looked up on many websites and books how memory addressing works but I can never apply to exercises, maybe if someone here could explain to me with a simple example i would appreciate it...
here contains an index (more precisely index+1) of current number in V
array, not a number itself. It's index+1, because ECX
was initialized with n
(as in 1-based array, not with n-1
as in 0-based array) in MOVZX ECX, WORD [n]
- is calculating an address of the number indexed by ECX
- is an address of the array, ECX*2
- is a calculating an offset to the ECX
'th element in the array's memory, *2
- because we are dealing with 2-bytes numbers (16-bit)-2
- is a changing 1-based-array-index into 0-based-array-index, as offset must be 0-based, again -2
because we're using 2-bytes numbers[...]
- is taking a value by the address inside bracketsWORD
- taking a 2-bytes valueWorth noting that V+...-2
is allowed because V
- is a compile time constant, so compiler can calculate V-2
as another constant and put it into compiled binary. If V
would be a dynamic value [V+...-2]
would not fit into a single instruction, and the address need to be calculated separately.