I don't know the syntax for writing the definition of a class function with templates.
I get an error, the complier expected ; , so that be void plus; Anyone knows to fix that!
template<class Type
class basic{
Type x;
int value;
//virtual void print() =0;
basic(Type xArg):x(xArg){}
template<class Type>
class plus:public basic<Type>{
Type y;
plus(Type xArg, Type yArg):basic<Type>(xArg),y(yArg){}
void print();
//template<class Type>
void plus<Type>::print(){
cout << "x : " << x << endl;
cout << "y : " << y << endl;
Let's say we have a base class:
template<class T>
class MyBase {
T value;
virtual void print() {
std::cout << "MyBase.value: " << value;
virtual ~MyBase() = default;
We can derive it and override print
like this. It doesn't have to be a template, but I'm using one in the example.
template<class T>
class MyDerived : MyBase<T>
void print() override {
std::cout << "MyDerived.value: " << MyBase<T>::value;
In addition, something I like to do is use base
to represent the base class:
template<class T>
class MyDerived : MyBase<T>
using base = MyBase<T>; // Use this to indicate the base
void print() override {
std::cout << "MyDerived.value: " << base::value << '\n';