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Passing strings with Single Qoute from MVC Razor to JavaScript

This seems so simple it's embarrassing. However, the first question is when passing a value from the new ViewBag in MVC 3.0 (Razor) into a JavaScript block, is this the correct way to do it? And more importantly, where and how do you apply the proper string replacement code to prevent a single quote from becoming &#39 as in the resultant alert below?

Adding this into a single script block:

alert('@ViewBag.str')   // "Hi, how's it going?"

Results in the following alert:

enter image description here


  • Razor will HTML encode everything, so to prevent the ' from being encoded to ', you can use


    However, now you've got an actual ' in the middle of your string which causes a javascript error. To get around this, you can either wrap the alert string in double quotes (instead of single quotes), or escape the ' character. So, in your controller you would have

    ViewBag.str = "Hi, how\\'s it going?";