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How to draw interactively with Pen on a Morph in Squeak?

It can't get the Pen to work properly in a Morph.

I arrived at the snippet below but I don't understand how to update the view of the Morph after I moved the pen. I tried to send "changed" in various (sm, pen, (sm owner)) object but it does not solve it.

In the snippet below the line gets drawn if I resize the window. Or, also, if i put "openInWindow" as last line.

sm := SketchMorph new.
sm clearExtent: 600@600 fillColor: (Color yellow) darker darker.
sm position: 100@100.
sm openInWindow. 
pen := sm penOnMyForm.
pen defaultNib: 4; color: (Color red).
pen up.
pen goto: 10@10. 
pen down.
pen goto: 100@100.


  • The message you should send to the SketchMorph, instead of #layoutChanged, is

    sm revealPenStrokes

    which is -pun intended- quite intention revealing; isn't it?

    How did I find it

    Using the hint provided by Nicola, I debugged sm layoutChanged trying to understand why it showed the line. I had tried sm changed before with no luck, so I knew that the clue had to be in generateRotatedForm. And since this method redefines the ivar rotatedForm, I looked for all methods that changed it, as I suspected that the problem was in some cache not being invalidated by changed. Quickly enough, the selector revealPenStrokes emerged victorious from the rather short list of methods modifying rotatedForm.